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Why is Money the Hardest Thing to Manifest?

Writer: Black Moon AlchemyBlack Moon Alchemy

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

The top spell that we sell is the Money spell. And for good reason, who couldn't use more money? But this is the spell that seems to get the least results. And frankly, this spells out disbelief in Magick for a lot of people. But why is it so hard to manifest? The answer is in the alchemy.

When you manifest, say, a new job into your life, you are not really working against anything. There are jobs out there looking for people, the spell will just connect you with the right job for you. Not a lot of interference involved. But when you're manifesting money, you are up against a lot of power. For one, money is probably the most manifested thing out there - so you're working against a lot of intentions and manifestations being pulled in different directions. You're also working against the economy, which is rigged to make the rich richer.

Money is also energetically magnetic. If you have some, you're more likely to get more. If you have none, you have no money to attract more money.

It is not impossible to manifest money - you just need a lot of power. Get past that imposter syndrome and those inhibitions and put all of your power into that spell, baby! Just because there is a lot of power working against you, doesn't mean you can't rise up and out-power those powers.

Another problem is that manifestations need to be specific. The universe needs to know what you're asking. Just saying "I want more money" leaves too much to the imagination. Instead, manifest avenues for money. Manifest a raise, or a better job. Manifest a winning lottery ticket. Manifest success for a new business, put some good juju on a side hustle, etc. You could also manifest the solution to a problem, like "I want my car fixed" or "I need a new stove". It takes the focus away from money and onto something more specific and attainable.

Some good herbs for manifesting money are Lemon Balm (abundance in general), basil, mint, rosemary, bay leaves, and bergamot. Crystals that will help you manifest money are Aventurine, Rose Quartz (or clear quartz), Jade, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, and Pyrite. You probably see a theme here of green things - just about anything green can help manifest money. Also, and this is a random one, purple doors. More on this in an upcoming post!

Let us know what else you use to bring abundance into your life!

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