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Unintentional Dark Magick

Writer: Black Moon AlchemyBlack Moon Alchemy

Updated: Jul 29, 2023

If magick is all intention, how can it be unintentional?"

Because magick is manifestations, and manifestations are thoughts. Think bad days: you wake up and bonk your toe on the bed, and it sets the path for the day. You then dribble some toothpaste onto your shirt, then spill your coffee, then can't find your keys... The day just keeps snowballing into a really bad one. This is a classic example of Unintentional Dark Magic. When you let your dark brain get the better of you and it comes back to haunt you.

So if thoughts are magick - we need to be really careful how we think. The problem with Dark Magick is that it comes with a cost. If it is not fed adequately, it could pop like a firework and go in all random directions. And more often than not, you end up paying the price.

If we keep our heads in a negative place, we can very negatively affect our lives and the lives of others. Otherwise, we can end up not only paying the price to start the spell but also being on the receiving end of the spell. I personally stay the heck away from dark magic these days due to some personal experiences. I have tried to get someone fired from my workplace only to get fired myself. To be clear - I thought I was doing light magick here. I considered the person to be the antagonist of my situation, but really I was just young and easily threatened. I thought I was doing something for the greater good, but instead involved myself in the detriment of someone's life. It did not work out. I've tried to manifest love and instead brought horribly manipulative and narcissistic people into my life. I wanted to bypass the work I needed to do on myself and just find a perfect relationship. I found the hard way through my self-work!

So how do we avoid unintentionally casting dark spells? Short answer: do your best. We're all on some kind of journey to learn what's really going on in our hearts and souls. There will always be something we wish we knew in hindsight. But if your intentions are as pure as possible, you will probably be ok. This means no casting spells on people who are unaware (with the exception of a good fortune spell or something), or trying to manipulate the fate of other people, stuff like that. Not to sound like a Disney movie, but if what is in your heart is good and pure - you have nothing to worry about.

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