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Solar Eclipse on October 14th

Updated: Nov 21, 2023

Who's got two thumbs and is excited for the Solar Eclipse? This witch. (The thumbs are in a jar around here somewhere...)

This eclipse is fun because it's taking place in the morning (on the west coast, anyways). Morning Magick has such new and positive energy to it, I love doing early spells. This particular eclipse will only be a partial eclipse for us here in the Pacific Northwest, but you can still get some really good juju out of it to help your spells or manifestations.

Eclipses are really good for any spell to do with transformation. So if you're looking for a new job or place to live, trying to get pregnant or are having a baby, moving to a new city, changing friend groups... Anything that presents a life change. You can also get a lot out of an Unblocking spell, if you find you're stuck in a rut or you want to inspire a transformation.

Burning spells work particularly well for eclipses. If you don't have a safe place to burn things (highly recommend getting a cauldron!), you can light a candle and pretend you lit things on fire. Great herbs/things to burn for transformation and change spells include Peppermint, tree bark (preferably arbutus or maple), and any flower petals.

"But when can I see the eclipse?" you ask. That depends on your time zone. You can find out more exact information for your location at the top right of this page. But here are some times for some major cities... (Please note, times are approximate)

Vancouver/Seattle - Starts at 8:08am and ends at 10:38am

Calgary/Denver - Starts at 9:14am and ends at 10:30am

Regina - Starts at 9:20am and ends at 10:24am

Winnipeg/Kenora - Starts at 10:28am and ends at 1:00pm

Toronto - Begins at 11:55am and ends at 2:25pm

Ottawa/Montreal/New York - Begins at 12:06 and ends at 2:23pm

Halifax - Starts at 1:43pm and ends at 3:29pm

Let us know on our Facebook or Instagram pages what you're doing for the eclipse!

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