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Let's Talk Quantum Jumping

Writer: Black Moon AlchemyBlack Moon Alchemy

If you've never heard of quantum jumping, it's basically using water to slip into a universe where you are getting the things you want and need in life. This is based on the theory that there are infinite universes out there, each based on a decision. Whenever you have a choice - whether it's what to have for dinner or what to name your first born child - another universe is created. One where you do A, and one where you do B, one where you do C, etc. There are infinite simultaneous existences, and quantum jumping gets your consciousness to experience life from one of the universes where the right decisions were made to give you what you're after.

One thing I love about quantum jumping is that it's insanely simple and quick. You can be as ceremonial and witchy about it as you like. I've broken out a full altar setup to do a quantum jump, and I've done one without so much as a candle. What you will need is...

  • A set of crystal glasses - you can usually get a cheap set at a thrift store, I have a set of pinwheel scotch glasses that are gorgeous. You want to make sure it's real crystal because it vibrates at the right frequency to help you jump. Real crystal rings, so hold it by the base or the stem and give it a light flick at the top. If it just goes TINK - it's glass. If it rings out a bit - it's crystal, baby.

  • Distilled or filtered water - you want the cleanest water you can possibly get. Minerals and bacteria can alter the frequency of the jump and get you into the wrong universe.

  • A notebook or pad of paper - can be anything you want to write on, and can burn later. I have little Alice in Wonderland notebook and I split each page in two for each jump.

  • A place to burn things - you don't need to burn it right away, but eventually you want to burn the past universe notes to sever the ties to that reality

Ideally, you'll have some time to set up an altar and whatnot. I like to at least get a candle burning so I can burn my past universes.

So what you'll do is...

  1. Place the cups next to each other and put about a gulp's worth of water in the cup on the right.

  2. Take two pieces of paper (or both halves of one piece) and on one piece, write where you are. Eg - I hate my job and don't make enough money or I sleep alone every night. On the other piece, write where you want to be in the present tense, eg - I love my job and am fulfilled, and am compensated in abundance or I am surrounded by love and I sleep with my partner in the home we've built.

  3. The pieces of paper go under the glasses. The negative/current one goes under the glass on the right, with the water in it. The positive/future one goes under the empty glass on the left.

  4. Take a deep breath and centre yourself. Focus on what you're looking to manifest.

  5. Take the paper from underneath the glass on the right and read your current situation aloud.

  6. Pour the water into the empty glass on the left and then read the positive paper aloud.

  7. (Optional) say a closing affirmation such as "As Above, So Below, So Mote it Be" or "Amen"

  8. Drink all of the water

Some points

  • You'll want to burn the negative paper, but you can keep the positive paper for your Grimoire. Or burn that too - do you, boo.

  • Just because you're speaking in the present tense doesn't mean you're going to wake up and be in a different life. The quantum jumps are meant to get you into the right universe where what you want is already in your path.

  • You can do as many jumps as you like to tweak where you are in the infinite sphere of universes.

  • I was brief in my examples, but the more detail - the better. We're dealing with trillions upon trillions of different realities, each one a single action apart from the next. Make sure to be specific about what you want. If you're looking for a job, specify things like the salary, the area it's in, what kind of boss and coworkers you'll have, etc. If you're looking for a lover, talk about what kinds of characteristics you want, like maybe they're also a gamer, or have brown eyes and freckles, or a really kind family (good inlaws are such a blessing!)

  • If you are manifesting love, don't try to push for a specific person. It's bad magick hygiene, and often backfires.

  • I find I get hungry and sleepy after a good jump session. Pay attention to your energy levels before and after the jumps. Not for any reason other than that I find it interesting and think you will too.

Like I said, you can make it as ceremonial as you'd like. Dance around your glasses with incense, burn 100 candles, get into a chant... Whatever you'd like. As long as the bones of the process stay the same, you should get a good result. I have had some crazy good results with this method and would love to hear about how it goes for you!

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