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Imposter Syndrome in Magick

Writer: Black Moon AlchemyBlack Moon Alchemy

Let's be honest - there is a HUGE amount of imposter syndrome in Magick. For me, anyways. I know some witches are mad confident in their skills and I aspire to be them. But it's hard to tell if what you're doing is working. Sometimes you need to take a step back and recall the spells you've done to see what has worked and what hasn't. A spell journal is amazing for this - I have started keeping one to keep track of my quantum jumps and other spells. For me, I know it's working because of where I am today.

I did a spell on an eclipse in August 2017 (I believe the 17th but I'd have to look it up). I wanted to be married with two kids, and living in a house we'd owned. I did another spell in late 2017/early 2018 to get my man. I wrote down all of the criteria I had for who I wanted. December 2018 I started dating the bassist in my band who I'd been falling for over the 8 or so months that we'd been jamming. He had all of the things I wanted and asked for; a kind face, big shoulders, decent job, keeps me grounded, etc. 5 months later we got pregnant with our twins, and then on August 12, 2022, we moved into the first home either of us had ever owned.

So not one, but TWO spells where I manifested exactly what I wanted - and they both panned out. Let's talk a bit about the state of mind I was in when I manifested these.

I had just come back from truly meeting myself. I spent most of my life hating myself and giving myself zero grace. By 2017, I'd left a bad ex and then gone and spent an extended sabbatical in New York City, living as a broke-ass on my savings. I found a fairly cheap room to rent, ate as little as possible, bought a subway pass, and just spent my time exploring the big city. I got to know myself SO well, and the acquaintance continued as I came back to Canada and got settled in Nanaimo. I manifested a little house with insanely cheap rent where I could live alone and continue getting to know myself. I did things that served me, and got over that compelling need to be with and live for other people. I invested in and cultivated my own power. I was feeling like the goddess I truly am for the first time in my life.

I'll say it again and again - magick, religion, witchcraft, whatever you want to call it - it's all manifestation. It's all based in thought. You know those old Disney movies that say the magic doesn't work if you don't believe in it? That is the most legit thing ever. If you do not believe in what you are manifesting, it will not manifest. You need to know deep in your soul that what you are manifesting will come to life. That it has already come to life because time is not linear and everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen is all happening at once. It's really easy to let imposter syndrome take control of your magick and your intentions - but you've gotta believe. Adding things like herbs in cauldrons, crystal glasses, wands, all of that - that helps your manifestation, but the only ingredient you truly need is your mind.

So why do I use other divination and spellcraft tools for my manifestation if I don't technically need them? Two reasons. One, I have not honed my power well enough. I have some fluctuating mental health issues that attack my confidence and make me question myself. I am also raising kids now, and I dunno if you've ever done that, but it really drains the emotional and spiritual batteries. I get help from other energies to boost my alchemy up into the frequencies that will manifest my desires. Two, it's super fun and focuses my attention more on the task at hand. And - let's be honest - throwing herbs into a flaming cauldron and chanting is WAY more fun than just meditating on your floor. I've never been good at meditating anyways - my brain is very erratic and I can never seem to calm it down enough to meditate. (I know, I know… practice makes perfect.)

So how do you combat imposter syndrome in spellcraft? You just face it. Know that you are a manifestation of cosmic, godly power and that you have the power to bring anything you want if you can learn to hone your skills. We are all slivers of the divine, just shards of one whole being that is capable of ANYTHING. There is nothing you cannot do if you truly believe it is already done.

Believe in yourself, believe in the magick, and you will see amazing results in your craft.

And seriously. Start that spell journal.

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